No-Cost But Invaluable Practices

Costly Practices Over the years, there have been a few issues that were hot for over a decade, like what to do with staff who don’t want to be partners or how to work with millennials. The latest is where to find staff. But one enduring issue throughout the decades...

Firms Don’t Appreciate

I was reading about the opening of a new Proctor and Gamble facility in Berkeley County, WV and the writer interviewed one satisfied worker who said, “I feel appreciated here.” What a great testimony to a top drawer company who knows the value of a simple, no-cost...

Appreciate Those Who Helped You

Last year this time, you were less than who you are today. Over the year, you worked hard, got better at some things and tried some new things. All in all, you’re better today than a year ago. However, as much as you think you did it on your own, you didn’t. Yes, you...

Keep The Engines Running

In a recent coaching call, my client asked a question that impressed me. Even though he is in the midst of busy season, he was keenly aware of something that often goes unnoticed by partners. His inquiry was why his staff were meeting the challenges of long hours and...