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the monday message

The Last Phase

The Last Phase

The Month If you haven’t looked up lately, you may not realize that you are in the midst of National Stress Awareness Month. How appropriate. Being a high-performer, you are no stranger to long hours, a heavy workload and looming due dates, that can add up to...

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Take Breaks!

Take Breaks!

Breaks How often do you take a break in a day? How frequently? It’s more than just another box to check, along with all the other things you have to do. Breaks affect your health and your performance. The Research William S. Helton, PhD, a professor at George Mason...

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Take Control

Take Control

The Reality All professionals encounter stress when life is the busiest and most compressed. As those seasons progress, it is easy to feel less and less in control. A large workload, uncooperative clients, under-performing staff, and looming due dates only exasperate...

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Why Don’t They Ask?

Why Don’t They Ask?

What managers Want Across the nation, we hear a recurring lament from managers. They report that they are confused and frustrated because their staff won't ask questions. They say, "I know my staff don't know this stuff. Why do they spin their wheels and take way too...

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