1 min readExcellence Takes Additional Attention

by Guy Gage | July 22, 2023 | Business, Leadership

Additional Attention

Producing excellent work on a regular basis isn’t automatic. It requires more than just completing the work. It takes additional attention to ensure that the work is at a higher standard than average.

Busy and Lazy

Most professionals have a desire to produce excellent work. It’s in our DNA. We have a certain pride in what we put out there and want to be known as excellent producers.

But when you’re busy, it can be difficult to pause and take the extra moments to review everything and it’s tempting to quickly put it out there and move on to the next thing. Whether you are preparing, reviewing or finalizing something for your clients, it takes additional effort.

Remember, the human brain is often times referred to as lazy. It means that, by nature, we are on the search for what is easiest, quickest and most efficient. Because that is our default, we can be more easily lured to reduce our standards of excellence. That’s when we become mediocre, which is never a good idea or a good reputation.

Extra Effort

If you are committed to producing excellent work, you will make it a priority.

  1. Keep your standards high. What does excellence look like? Do you care enough to put forth the effort necessary to meet those standards? It’s not a popular place, so it isn’t a crowded space.
  2. Commit to those standards. Minimal, check-the-box effort produces “barely good enough” results. High standards require discretionary effort. If you are committed, you are conscientious and take pride in your work.
  3. Talk frequently about those standards. In your weekly team meetings, talk about more than just getting the work done. Discuss what you are doing to work within your higher standards. Compare notes. Offer suggestions. Learn from each other. There is no hierarchy when it comes to learning and getting better.

If you aren’t consciously aware of the discretionary effort you are put forth, you are likely not exceeding average. Remember, excellence takes ADDITIONAL effort and you know when you are doing something more  than checking a box.

Your Standards

For some readers, this will be a “nice thought” message and then promptly forgotten. For others, they will read it and examine their standards they have and accept from others. I hope you will be one of the thoughtful ones. I hope you will take the actions that will create and sustain the reputation that you, your team and your firm aspire to have.

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