2 min readLeaders Shape Perspective

by Guy Gage | August 6, 2023 | Business, Leadership

Continuum of Perspective

One of the advantages of working with professionals across the nation is that we see quite a variety. From the youthful to the seasoned, there is quite a mix of perspectives about their work. And you can tell whether their leaders shaped their perspective.

For instance, in our training with entry level staff, we notice that they seem to fall on a continuum. On the one side are those who look at their employment as just having a job to fund their true interests, activities and experiences. They come alive when talking about their hobbies, travel or even video games. At this end, staff tend to exert just enough effort to do their work, but don’t really apply discretionary effort to excel, learn and grow. When the day is over, they are ready to go to what really energizes them, regardless of whether the work is completed.

On the other side are those who see their employment as an opportunity to pursue careers that matter. They demonstrate the enthusiasm and energy you would hope everyone would display. They tend to be more conscientious and develop more quickly than their counterparts at the other end of the continuum.

Ignoring Perspective

But it is unfortunate that firm leaders don’t take advantage of the initial motivation that almost all young staff have. Too many firms have a couple of days, or maybe a week, of onboarding and then expect everyone to transition from student to worker—just like that. Staff are never taught how to work, how to manage their time, how to receive feedback or how to fit in as a professional. I guess the thought is that they will figure it out on their own. It’s no wonder that some end up directing their energy outside the firm.

Shaping Perspective

Recently, I participated in the initial training of a firm’s effort to acclimate their new staff to the firm. It’s a two-year program that equips their young, energetic talent to make the transition from being great students to becoming great professionals. They are shown how to engage themselves in their careers, not leaving it to chance that they will figure it out on their own. These emerging leaders are learning it right, from the beginning. The firm’s leaders are shaping perspective by capturing the hearts and minds of everyone.

What is your firm doing to tap into the motivations of your people? From entry staff to seasoned partner, everyone is energized by something. Without motivation, the work soon devolves to drudgery—a leading indicator of stress, dissatisfaction and turnover. We can do better. We have to do better. Look to your leaders to shape perspective.

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