Category: Business, Leadership, Personal Management

Your Fundamental Belief

The Belief The more days I live, the more convinced I am that everyone has their own contributions to make that are helpful to others and meaningful to themselves. Their purpose is beyond having a job and earning a paycheck. This is the fundamental belief that drives...

Professional Resilience

Professional Resilience Those who remember that what they do matters, use difficult times to develop their professional resistance. The circumstances yield to what matters more. More Than A Job Over the years, I’ve observed that people will continue in difficult...

It’s Not The Profession

It’s Not The Profession I read an article recently where the author began with the statement that stress in this profession is just part of the job; that accepting stress as a given should be expected, anticipated and endured. Really? While there is stress in every...

Excellence Isn’t Automatic

Simple. Not Easy Being excellent is not hard. In fact, it’s really fairly simple. It’s just not easy. You have to train yourself to be excellent because it doesn’t just happen. Those who are excellent, are so, not because they are smarter or more talented than you...

Your Ability To Self-Regulate

Self-Regulation Self-regulation is a most difficult discipline to establish because it requires an inordinate amount of motivation and cognitive energy. Focused attention, deliberate action and resisting automatic responses is draining. And yet your ability to...