1 min readI’ll Do It Later

by Guy Gage | January 2, 2010 | Uncategorized

Is this you?

You’re really busy this week, with lots of deadlines to meet. But as soon as the dust clears, you plan to start working on the other things that need to get done. You know, the ones without a deadline.

I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

But how long has this important thing without a deadline been in the queue? How long will it take up space on your to-do list?

It’ll get done (sooner or later).

As soon as it looks like things are coming to an end, another onslaught of stuff with deadlines appears. You delay again those important things with no deadline.

I’ll do it later.

So you recommit to making them a priority because you’ve got to get them done. You can’t keep putting them off.

Tomorrow will be a better time.

When will you quit deceiving yourself? If you wait until you have the time, or after you meet your deadlines, or when things are just right, you’ll never get to those important things with no deadlines.

What are you putting off?

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