1 min readDiagnose What’s Wrong

by Guy Gage | July 5, 2016 | Business

HPs are known to get stuff done. They may not be smarter than you or work harder than you, but that doesn’t matter. HPs seem to do something that not everyone does—they accomplish things that aren’t directly related to the work that is in front of them. With everything that is going on, they are able to manage and complete ALL their priorities.

It’s so tempting to think that you’re doing your job when you’re knocking out the work that’s on your desk. But you have to keep up with other things as well that may not be right in front of you; things you know you should do but never get around to them.

HPs intuitively do 3 things that make it possible to perform consistently.
1. They set a goal.
2. They use a tool.
3. They have a routine.

You need all three. All three links of the chain have to be strong. Here’s a quick diagnostic that will help you to determine if you have a weak link.

Without a goal, you lose immediacy. You may do ok tracking all you have to do, but nothing much happens. You just add things as the week goes by and your list gets longer. With no goal, timeline, or completion target for what’s on your list, nothing gets done.

Without a tool, you leave it to memory. How many times have you caught yourself thinking, “Oh yeah. I need to do that.”? Or how many times do you think of something at the most inopportune time, then forget about it when you could take action?

Without a routine, you glance at your list or completion chart whenever it crosses your mind or when something on your list was overdue. Then you look at it closely to make sure you didn’t forget something else. You have standing meetings with others; make one for yourself—AND KEEP IT by putting it on your calendar.

This week, pay particular attention to one of these links and raise the bar on your performance.

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