1 min readResist The Temptation

by Guy Gage | August 7, 2016 | Business

Can you think of a time where you want to win, but you just show up and begin—no warm up, no stretching, no preparation—and expect to do well? There is always a sequence, mental and physical preparation, and a routine you follow simply BECAUSE you want to succeed.

So why would anything be different this morning at your office? It’s so tempting to begin your day without setting yourself up for success. When you go to your desk and just start working, you should have absolutely no reason to believe you will have a great week. You’re delusional to expect that good things will happen just because you showed up.

It’s so tempting to forget to anchor yourself to your “big why.” Remembering why you do something is the only way to sustain the energy you need to carry you through the difficulties you will face.

It’s so tempting to work without any goals. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish by the end of the week is the only way to maintain focus and prevent yourself from being distracted by the hundreds of things that divert your attention. Squirrel!

It’s so tempting to settle in without connecting to your team. You need them and they need you, which is the only way any of you will be successful over the long haul.

When you set yourself up for success by remembering why, focusing on the what and connecting with your team, you will understand the difference between having a job and enjoying a career. I’ve always said that if you don’t love what you do, there are easier ways to make a living.

Beginning this morning, establish your routine and practice it the beginning of each week following. But whatever you do, resist the temptation to just start.

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